Frank Ferreri’s existential testament


“Death will come

And it will have your eyes”, Pavese says

“Not mine, I say

Because I’ll have them before her.”


In the meantime, I would like to say that, despite all the adversities I had to face in life, I have achieved what I wanted to achieve: to understand my fellow men, the universe and the world in which I was born and lived. In my way I understood them.

Sure, I could have committed suicide without saying a word, as most suicides do. Instead, I do the opposite, I write the reasons that led me to this act and I say that for me suicide was one of the most convenient things of my life: I could get rid of it when and how I wanted.

My death, therefore. In fact, I had already decided on this act towards the end of the Sixties, in Paris. Then it didn’t happen. Then, the “then” of this time, became the then of today and between these two “thens” passed more than 50 years. I reasoned like this in those past times and I still think like this:

Being born from nothing and then returning to another nothing without a “but” and without a “why”, is not fun for a mind that thinks and from any point of view one sees it.


What are really the universities?


In two words: factories of the mind. Let’s look at them a little close. Meanwhile, when I write saying that the universities are factories of the mind, I mean factories of the State, of the Church, of the Capitalism, of Military Academies, of Science in general, etc., this confirms their servile function towards their masters. Furthermore, I don’t say this because I want to offend them, much less insult university students, graduates or because I am envious since I am not a graduate. At all. This thought has never even crossed my mind, especially since I don’t see graduates and non-graduates around, I only see human beings. When I write saying that universities are factories of the mind at the service of the Powerful Men, I write it because in reality they are so. Nobody is born with a degree or a specialization. Anyone who has a brain knows this, understands it. He/she doesn’t say it because certain things are not said, but this is the reality, a somewhat uncomfortable reality according to certain customs, but we have enough of falsehood and nonsense in this discriminatory and absurd world and we certainly don’t intend to make it even more unlivable.


Who are the real young and who are the real old


It’s true, “the years pass quickly”, but the youth, paradoxically, can remain because it depends, not on the years, but on our brain. Old age, in reality, has nothing to do with age; old age, as we understand it, doesn’t exist. Life, understood in a natural way, is a single cycle, it starts from birth and ends with death. This is not how the mental, cultural, historical and philosophical age works. A 25 year young man and an 80 year old man may be older, culturally speaking, the young man and not the 80 year old man. Old age is not in the body, but in the head. We are culture not flesh. One is born flesh, but becomes culture. Old age weighs itself with intelligence. Be clever and you’ll stay young even when you are 100 years old; be young but an idiot and you are already old!

But I, Francis Sgambelluri, who am I realistically?


I have spoken in these days about my autobiography. Now I would like to talk about my life by giving you a self-definition of its concreteness and physical evolution.

To begin with, I am an animal that represents the inanimate and the animated world in miniature.

What does it mean “world” for you ?, someone asks me.

I answer.

World for me means something that is formed by a set of atoms grouped in a small space of the universe that make up the inanimate and the animated phenomena that inhabit it and last as long as they can and then disappear.

From where come from these atoms?


The Universe as it is in 12 images


Einstein published, in 1905, his famous articles in the scientific journal “Annalen der Physik” where only a few scientists and with difficulties could understand something; I publish my articles on the Web, on Facebook, on Twitter and anyone, given their scientific simplicity and reality, can read and understand them in the whole world.

The only tolerable immortality is the virtual one and he who knows the universe  will conquest it. That’s what I propose in this post to the readers of the Web.


In these 12 images of the universe, starting with homo sapiens sapiens and ending with the immortal virtuality, each of us should be able to understand his own casualty and the meaning of his life in this  world of ours. I would like to start by saying that quantum mechanics and general relativity * represent the micro and the macro. In other words, the former belongs to the micro-world, the latter to the macro-world; the first appeared from nothingness of nothingness, the second emerged from the phenomena (i. e. the force of attraction is relative to the magnitude of each phenomenon in question); the first imposes a metaphysical question, the second a physical one; the first has to do with chance, the second with the end: big crunch or big chill; the second without the first wouldn’t exist, the first without nothingness of nothingness either. All this is logical as 2 + 2 = 4, and this helps us nearly to touch with our own hands the origins of the universe, but it doesn’t help us to make sense of our lives, this no or maybe yes? We’ll see.

Let’s start with the first image. Personally, of all the species on this planet, the one that most terrifies and amazes me, is the homo sapiens sapiens.


The existence of the “Universe” and “Life”



Einstein published, in 1905, his famous articles in the scientific journal “Annalen der Physik” where only a few scientists and with difficulties could understand something; I publish my articles on the Web, on Facebook, on Twitter and anyone, given their scientific simplicity and reality, can read and understand them in the whole world.


In what follows in this article, I will try to sketch the true basis of the universe and life. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not a madman and much less one who goes on looking for awards, I am one who is interested to know the heart and soul of the reality that has created us and the world and this is what I will try to illustrate in the seven main definitions on the origin and evolution of the universe.

Let’s start with the first definition. At the beginning there was only “nothingness of nothingness”. At that time only this existed. You can see it as big as the point of a needle or immense as much as you manage to imagine it. There was nothing else, not even the tip of a pin. We call this place of nothingness of nothingness, the primordial basis of the universe.

The second definition. It was from nothingness of nothingness that was created spontaneously “the first particle”. This particle, after billions and billions of years, gave birth to the universe we know today. This is its origin and its birth and also the second basis of the universe. Of course, we could write an entire encyclopedia regarding this start, but we wouldn’t advance of a single comma for what concerns this initial moment.


The World-Universe * in a few clear and meaningful words

Einstein published, in 1905, his famous articles in the scientific journal “Annalen der Physik” where only a few scientists and with many difficulties could understand something; I publish my articles on my blog, on Facebook, on Twitter and anyone, given their reality, simplicity and meaning, can read and understand them in the whole world.


“And what about the content between Einstein’s articles and yours?”, a reader asked me once.


“It depends on our point of view,” I replied. The same could be said for the post you’re going to read now.


Our world-universe moves in the middle of an infinite space. Before it, there was nothingness of nothingness,

that is to say nothing, total zero, not even a particle. The “nothing” as science understands it, doesn’t exist. For science, “nothing” is full of particles. So if “nothing” is full of particles, it can’t be nothing. In nothingness of nothingness there are not even the particles.


To the lords of the Nobel Committee of Stockholm


Einstein published, in 1905, his famous articles in the scientific journal “Annalen der Physik” where only a few scientists and with difficulties could understand something; I publish my articles on the Web, on Facebook, on Twitter and anyone, given their simplicity and reality, can read and understand them in the whole world.


You might think I’m crazy, but I’m not crazy, crazy is who thinks I’m crazy, not to say an imbecile. Here are some of my Nobel discoveries:

1          “Nothingness of the nothingness”  or the basis of the universe, that is, a universe born by chance from nothingness of nothingness. This is the essence and the reality of the universe.

2          “The proto-element” or the beginning or the mother particle of the universe, that is, the particle that contains within itself all the elements to create the universe we know today. This is the birth of the universe.


To die as a Christian is to die against nature *


If the Christian religion were true, I would be the first to embrace it. It is not. It is false. It is unnatural and anti-human.

God doesn’t exist, and all believers and non-believers know it.

Christ is fiction, like Don Quixote and Madame Bovary.

The Madonna is a ridiculous invention.


What distinguishes me from Copernicus, Newton, Einstein and Hawking:


Things as they are

and not as we want them to be


I have something to say about the universe that Mr Copernicus didn’t have,

I have something to say about the universe that Mr Newton didn’t have,

I have something to say about the universe that Mr Einstein didn’t have,

I have something to say about the universe that Mr Hawking didn’t have:

I know the origins, the roots and the base of the universe that they didn’t know.


What distinguishes me from these 4 brains is also what follows:


Human History in a Nutshell



For a new vision of humankind and of the universe


Greetings and welcome to this short, indeed very short, chat about the history of humankind. I will start by saying that today, on a global level, there is an uneasiness in this society of ours which has now gone beyond any limit or any sense of decency.


Scott Fischer and the 10th of May 1996 on the summit of the Everest


If Scott Fischer became a great man, he didn’t become so because he was an excellent mountaineer, much less because he was the head of the business Mountain Madness, even less because he was an American and let’s not talk about being a good family man; Scott Fischer has become a great man because the society, despite all its pitfalls, has failed to make out of him a social robot. This is the portrait I made of this personage while I was reading “The Climb: Tragic Ambitions on Everest”, Anatoli Boukreev and G. Weston DeWalt, and this is also the most beautiful thing that could happen to a man.

Me and the Universe


A new vision of the cosmos and life

I need

I don’t know about you

but I need

before I am going to die

to have a vision of everything

and my everything is this:


The universe as it is and not as we want it to be in 10 images (1)


First picture of the universe


For all those who love,

not lies told by interested parties

from millennia to millennia

but for all those who love truth and reality.


Let’s see, for an instant, all the phenomena that make up the entire universe, not the way we want to see them, but for what they really are: things without names, naked and rudimentary objects in an immense vacuum. This is their reality. Seeing them so, how would they appear to us? They would appear as lifeless matter, blind bodies, bodies big and small, strong and weak, bare and barren, of long and short duration. In short, blind bodies and nothing else.

The universe, when we see it as it is, we realize that it is only a mixture of bodies of all imaginable and unimaginable dimensions, structures, properties, bodies and bodies ourselves. Voilà its reality: a mass of objects, of phenomena, of wonders and nightmares, nothing more, nothing less than a mass of physical elements that roar chaotically in an infinite vacuum, crashing blindly against one another and, in the end, they destroy themselves by losing and disintegrating in the immensity they are in. This is our universe and this is also its ultimate truth and reality.

Someone of you may say: “It’s not true that the universe is only a mass of physical objects and nothing more. It’s enough to take us with our creativity, thoughts, believes, cultures, to demonstrate that what you just said is wrong”.

To this remark I would reply by saying that, if we see this lifeless mass of objects that constitute the whole universe only in the short run, then the remark is correct. Correct, of course, up to a certain point, since all the values we gave to the universe are not its, are ours, we gave them to it. Instead, if we see this mass of objects that constitute the whole universe in the long run, in millions and billions of years, then we realize that we, for this mass of objects constantly in collision with one another, we are for them only momentary dust, pus, itch, disease, rubbish or, if you want, why not, a momentary decoration and nothing else.

In the next post, the second.


The universe as it is and not as we want it to be in 10 images


I divide the world into real and not real. Particles, atoms, molecules, proteins, phenomena, all physical things are real; ideas, theories, inventions, concepts, are unreal in the sense that they are not physical, they exist thanks to the physical world. This last one istotally independent from the human world.Sure, we can have a brief, a very brief influence on it, a locally influence, of course, this we can, but, in the long run, the world will be always the old world.Life and harmony are a temporary phenomenon in our universe; the contingent, chaos and annihilation, instead, are its real stabilized nature.

And this is not all. The whole universe is a metaphysical concept, a concept that goes beyond the physical world. Its essence is not made of particles, atoms, substance, corporeity; it’s essence is made of nothingness of nothingness. This is what brought the world into the world. So, when we talk about the universe, we have to keep in mind that we are talking of something that goes beyond science, beyond physics, beyond ourselves.

In what follows, I am going to give you 10 brief pictures of the universe, and in these 10 brief pictures, I’ll try to describe it and our position in it as objectively as I can.

In the next post, I’ll start with the first image.

Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché 4*


My Singapore’s speech


Part four

 In this chat, has man a sense in the world in which he lives?,I will talk about cosmic reality, cosmic reality as it is and not how we want it to be. Forgive me if I insist in these two ways of seeing the world: one objective and one subjective

I divide the world into real and not real. Particles, atoms, molecules, all physical things are real; ideas, theories, concepts, are unreal in the sense that they are not physical, they exist thanks to the physical world. This last one istotally independent from the human world.Sure, we can have a brief, a very brief influence on it, a locally influence, of course, this yes, but, in the long run, the world will be always the old world.Life and harmony are a temporary phenomenon in our universe; chaos, instead, is its real stabilized nature: entropy and the second law of thermodynamics require it.


Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché 3*


My Singapore’s speech


“The nature of the universe is not difficult to understand and to explain. It’s us, with our ignorance and arrogance, that makes it difficult to understand and to explain. We do even our best, one way or another, to make it hard and incomprehensible”.

Orazio Guglielmini


By the way, I don’t send this script to the Editorial Board of the “Annalen der Physik”. I send it directly to the common readers of the Web, because I’m sure they don’t need to be scientists or geniuses to understand the meaning of what I write.


Part three

We arrived in part three of our chat, that is between nothingness of nothingness and the proto-element.This happening is an achievement for our civilization. Just think that it tookthousands and thousands of years of thought before reaching here, here at the real base of our universe, here where all began.This means that I have to talk to you now about some of the most important theoretical concepts and happenings, and exactly in this order.


Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché2 *


My Singapore’s speech


“For a new vision of the universe and of the meaning of life.”

Orazio Guglielmini


Part two

The history of the universe has many endings – big crunch, big rip, big freeze, big bounce, etc., – but not a single beginning. No one dares to go beyond Max Planck’s wall or, more easily said, beyond the Big Bang. Everything started at this moment. But the Big Bang is not the beginning of the universe. Absolutely not. It’s ridiculous just to think that the Big Bang appeared out of nothing. Another kind of stationary universe. When this event happened, between thirteen and fourteen billion years ago, billion plus billion less, the universe was only halfway through its journey.


Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché *

Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché *


My Singapore’s speech


“For a new vision of the universe

and of the meaning of life.”

Orazio Guglielmini


Good morning!

I suppose you all know my name, the International Meetings published it in a leaflet. However, my name is Francis Sgambelluri, a free thinker.

The reason why I was invited to come to Singapore was due to the article I sent to the committee of molecular physics towards the end of 2018. The article talked  about Einstein.

I would like to make it clear from the start that I have nothing against him. I just have to correct some of his ideas. That’s all.


Welcome to the kingdom of the absurd, * a meditation about life, death and the real nature of the world


“The universe as it is

and not for how we want it

to be.”

Orace Guglielmini


To begin with, WE DON’T GROW UP TO LIVE, WE GROW UP TO DIE. We are constructed, piece by piece, not for life, but for death. No one escapes this blind verdict. Slaves, prisoners, serfs, from birth to death, of a nightmare we call life. All along our existential torture we are at the mercy of something we never saw or spoke with. Born, therefore, not to live, but to die. Each second, each heart bit, each look, each word, is a second, a heart bit, a look and a word less to live. Life runs towards death, towards the end, the end of the end. The unnamable decided our destiny before we were born.


Love is a totally feminine product


– So many stories!

– What are you talking about?

– Read it and you’ll see.


The innate is a construct


This article is not an article against men, as it may appear from its title, it is an article which has to do with our history, our biology, our chemistry, atomicity, and therefore with our true reality. This may not please the machos, or misogynists, phallocrats, anti-feminists amongst us, but, whether they like it or not, it doesn’t change anything, it’s how things are.

Let’s start by saying that the male, of any species, as soon as they have mated with a female, calms down a little, as their physical being demands, but after a while, their search for another female starts up again, their sexual instinct imposes it on them.


If this is a man, then I eliminate him


If the so-called “human being”, when we go to the heart of the matter, cannot do anything else, but only fill his stomach and kill his fellow men, I of this “human being” don’t know what to do except to eliminate him.


I put him in a cannon and then pull the trigger.


The love that nourishes and transforms us in human beings



“Sex is a momentary itch, love never let you go,”

         Kingsley Amis


Love, when it comes, let’s enjoy it until it lasts and, when it is finished, we must be grateful to those who we loved and loved us. He, deep down, doesn’t owe us anything; she, deep down, doesn’t owe us anything, and yet, for an hour, for a night, for a month or years, we gave each other so much of our bodies, of our souls, of our spirits, of our hearts, of our physical and spiritual intimacy: in short, of our love. So much, we gave to each other.


Sir Winston Churchill, the painter


“As long as we do not understand that the worst people in the world are those who govern and have governed it, we have not yet understood anything about ourselves or the world in which we live.”

 Orazio Guglielmini


Here is how the great man expresses himself in this painting business:

“I have to say that I love bright colors. When I get to heaven, I intend to spend a considerable part of my first million years painting to get to the essence of the subject. So, I will need a palette even more vivid than the one I have down here. There will be a whole range of new and wonderful colors to delight the celestial eye, “from the DVD History, Winston Churchill, the lion of England.


Physics as a spiritual exercise


Our brains have three main ways of thinking, at least that’s what anthropologists say: instinctive, rational and meditative. The first is fastest, the second is the most reflective and the third the most contemplative.

To give examples, we could say that the first, instinctive thought, is natural, we cannot steer it, we do not have control over it. If we touch something very hot with our fingers, the immediate reaction is to take our hand away, that is instinctive. This way of acting and reacting in the face of something unexpected is predetermined, it doesn’t depend on us ourselves, and it can be salutary but also fatal, as for example when we freeze in the face of danger.


Hubert Reeves’ God


Science cannot know whether there is a God or not, so says the Canadian astrophysicist and cosmologist Hubert Reeves. Science is not moral, it doesn’t tell us what is good and what is bad, science tells us only how things are. However, he doesn’t believe that a Mozart or a Beethoven could be created purely by chance. Neither does he believe in an organising principle. His inner conviction is that something exists, but he doesn’t know what. This is how Reeves continues when asked if God exists or not.


The reality of believing is that it is impossible to believe

“Whoever is scared of reality shouldn’t read me. I am reality.”

      Orazio Guglielmini

foto (2)Six concepts which demonstrate the lack of foundation in matters of religious belief. What are they? The first is “ignorant”, the second is “egoistic”, the third is “prudent (knowing)”, the fourth is “absolute”, the fifth is “the will to believe” and the sixth is “agnostic”. Even an atheist is a person who believes, but atheism derives from Democrites, Epicure, Lucrezio and an atheist is an atomist, materialist, physicalist and has nothing to do with the above-mentioned believers. And now let’s illustrate these six concepts in chronological order.


Charlie Gard, so young and yet so known in the whole world


foto (3)This story has now exceeded every limit. But, then, who tells us, that it is not an all dirty game to cheat people, to abuse them of their sentimental feelings? And not only. Who gets the advantages in this discriminatory and suspicious story? Let’s see.

1)      Newspapers, magazines, TV, web, etc.

2)      The Brexit.

3)      The parents of the child. Someone, perhaps, offered them a lot of money as long as they were agree with the game and kept their mouth shut.

4)      Politicians holding millions, if not billions, of people out of breath all throughout the planet: it is a great success for them, isn’t it?


“If”, “When” and “How” we’ll cease to exist


foto (3)The “if”: “We will cease really to exist?” The “when”: “When we’ll cease to exist?” The “how”: “How do we to cease to exist: burned, frozen, in a cosmic cataclysm, self-destroyed, how? “

Let’s start with the first, the “if”, and let’s eliminate it immediately from our mind. The if it’s rhetorical. There are no doubts, the science of astrophysics is not fantasy. It is useless then to waste our brain thinking whether we can or cannot live forever, whether we can or cannot travel forever in the universe, whether we can or cannot move endlessly from one planet to the next and other dreams and fanciful absurdities, because, in reality, these possibilities do not exist. They are just nonsense and irrational thoughts and utterances of those who still find it hard to accept the world as it is. We, notwithstanding are being exposed to an infinity of cosmic and fatal dangers of which we do not even know the nature, in spite of this, we live also in a cosmic pit, the pit created by the solar system with its mass and, from this pit, we’ll never come out.


The real united Europe, has ever existed?


foto (3)Not really. If so, I can’t understand why the Members of the European Parliament and their spokesmen, the journalists, go on saying that if things continue to go on as they are going, the united Europe will crumble. If only! In any case, the news is fake. It’s a lie. As James Bond has a license to kill, so they, journalists and politicians, have the license to insult us with all sorts of nonsense from morning till evening.

The real united Europe, as a matter of fact, has never existed. About what united Europe are they talking about, the MEPs and their spokesmen? Perhaps they have in mind the monarchists’Europe, the papal Europe, the imperialist Europe, absolutist, capitalist, colonialist, multinational Europe? Or, perhaps, the Europe of the banks? Well, if this is the United Europe they have in mind, they are right. (more…)

The American Hitler


foto (3)The Americans, deep down, consciously or unconsciously, have always been jealous of the Germans and their Fuhrer. In fact, the Germans sent their Fuhrer, mister Adolf Hitler, to power democratically, so did the Americans send their Fuhrer, mister Donald Trump, to power democratically. More clearly than that It’s not possible. Well done, bravo, Americans, you have realized finally your dream, consciously or unconsciously, doesn’t matter, what really matters that you have realized it: your dream. Compliments! Now you’re satisfied, you have also your own Hitler in your own country, your own houses. Enjoy him, then! One thing I want still to say. Please, do not make the same mistake that made the Germans. I mean: keep your Fuhrer in your own home and best wishes!


For a phenomenology and an ontology of divine emptiness – 6 post, the second


I admit, talking about religion, I feel like throwing up, but I have no choice and I say no more: who wants to understand understand.

foto (3)Who is God? Nobody. It is pure fiction, metaphysical intuition, a fried empty concept. In other words, simple fried air. Fried air distinguishes itself from natural air. In the first there is nothing, absolutely nothing, absolute zero; in the second, the natural air, there are the particles, the substance,life, death. God is fried air. And not only.

1) God is fear, scare, fright, terror

2) God is nothingness, le néant, il nulla, anti-matter

3) God is nobody, rien, nichts, niente


Horace Guglielmini to his grandson


foto (3)Your great great-grandparents have taught your great-grandparents, my grandson, that in the world where they were born, the golden rule was: EAT OR YOU WILL BE EATEN.

Your great-grandparents have taught your grandparents that in the world where they were born, the golden rule was: EAT OR YOU WILL BE EATEN.

Your grandparents have taught your parents that in the world where they were born, the golden rule was: EAT OR YOU WILL BE EATEN.

I, your grandfather, if your parents haven’t yet taught you the golden rule, I teach you now, my grandson, that in the world where I was born and I am still living, the golden rule is: EAT OR YOU WILL BE EATEN.

That’s how this thing we call world works, in the physical realm, in the animal kingdom and in the human realm, especially in this last one: it is the most cruel and ruthless of all. And its ruthlessness and barbarity, would you believe it or not, they call it humanity!

Well, now you know, my grandson, you know that if you want a good life, an interesting and beautiful life, if it exists, you have to fight for it, it’s the only way.

Go now. They are waiting for you for lunch. I’ll join you later, maybe. I forgot: Happy New Year!


Trump and God Save America


foto (3)I have to be consistent with myself, and with what I write. Here’s what I wrote and published on my blog October 27, 2016 about the American elections:



Soon you have to go to the polls, soon you have to choose between two candidates: one of the two will lead your country for at least four years. Which, then, which of them will you choose? I have some ideas about your choice. But I tell you only this:

If you choose Hillary Clinton, know that the rich will become richer and the poor get poorer. Nothing of the horror world in which we live will change: Mrs Clinton belongs to the imperialist, capitalist and discriminatory world of which she is a faithful servant.

If instead you choose Donald Trump, you know, you can be sure about it, that something, in the well established mafiosi States of the world, something, for good or for evil, will happen: the superficial and clumsy Trump, could easily make mistakes, create disasters.




foto (3)Soon you have to go to the polls, soon you have to choose between two candidates: one of the two will lead your country for at least four years. Which, then, which of them will you choose? I have some ideas about your choice. But I tell you only this:

If you choose Hillary Clinton, know that the rich will become richer and the poor get poorer. Nothing of the horror world in which we live will change: Mrs Clinton belongs to the imperialist, capitalist and discriminatory world of which she is a faithful servant.

If instead you choose Donald Trump, you know, you can be sure about it, that something, in the well established mafiosi States of the world, something, for good or for evil, will happen: the superficial and clumsy Trump, could easily make mistakes, create disasters.


Deutsche Bank


foto (3)There is something rotten in the soul and in the heart, therefore in the brain of the german people. Before the Volkswagen scandal and now the Deutsche Bank scandal. Writes The Guardian:“The markets are fixated on the possible options for Deutsche Bank as it faces the prospect of a $14bn (£10.5bn) penalty from the US authorities for mis-selling mortgage bonds a decade ago.” What else, then, can we expect from these people? Don’t we already have received enough? What’s next then?

Betsy Davis and Euthanasia


foto (3)No one can choose his birth, but one can choose, thanks to euthanasia and other curative methods more or less civilized, the death he wishes. This new fashionable therapeutic approach to the inevitable, unlike those who suffer the death waiting for it passively and cowardly (who didn’t rebel at least once in his life time against this absurd fatality?), is a living death, a great death. It’s not true that death is democratic, not at all, there is death and death. People who are born and die according to the laws of nature, they are twice defeated: when they are born and when they die. They come into the world without having asked for it and leave it without wanting to; they come into the world crying and they die terrified and without a torch. The death of Betsy Davis, thanks to her financial and intellectual possibilities, was a lucid death, an elegant, enlightened, ladylike death, a super death, a death that will be the model for all those who desire to be, not once again victims of now dead and buried beliefs, but the protagonists of their real unique existential epilogue.


For a phenomenology and an ontology of divine emptiness – 6 post, the first


foto (2)For “phenomenology” I mean the natural phenomena as they appear in their environment and not as men (Hegel, etc.) see them; for “ontology” I mean the “thing in itself” kantian, that is the concept of man. Starting from these two premises, here are some proofs on the non-existence of God.


1)        Nothingness denies God.

2)        The elements deny God.

3)        The atoms deny God.

4)        The big bang denies God.

5)        The physical world denies God.

6)        The molecules deny God

7)        Chemistry denies God.


Destiny can wait

IMG_0375You get up one morning and you realize that your feelings are not the same as they were the morning before. Well, nothing wrong with it. Feelings change, are never the same. Yes, but aren’t exactly the same old feelings, this time. This time your feelings have nothing to do with the usual way you feel, this time they are totally new, unrecognizable.

In any case, you’ll follow the morning routine: Pavarotti, push ups, stretching, shower, breakfast. The day is lovely. From your terrace you can see the mountains. They are full of snow. You got the impression, when they are so much stuffed with snow, to be able to touch them with your hands. Marvellous white, marvellous view.


The Inexistence of God: a Deception of Humanity Which Has Lasted Thousands of Years – 4 posts, the fourth*

foto (4) “In principle, God didn’t create either the heavens or the earth, but it was the Elohim, or   those of them who made cultivatable fields from areas where there was water and sand,” Mauro Biglino

Keeping in mind how evil and inhumane Yahweh was, in the second part of his DVD, “L’invenzione di Dio” (The Invention of God), Biglino rightly addresses himself to a hypothetical team of lawyers and asks them to instruct the court against this being, against the infinite cruelty and perversity of Yahweh. And he also wonders, in the event that Yahweh were to be condemned in this hypothetical case if it would be possible to then think about accusing the two billion people who believe in him, who defend him, endorse him and justify his behaviour. In other words, to make a case against all those who say that Yahweh did what he did because it was just and compassionate and, finally, because he was God.
