Monthly Archive:: December 2011
31 Dec 2011
Happy New Year
To all: to those alone and to those in company, to those happy and to those not happy, to all, to all of you a big hug and a warm friendly handshake, none excluded, to all – stars, species, animals, trees, human beings, atoms -, in the name of human feelings, altruism and love, a
20 Dec 2011
90% of humans serves as fuel for the remaining 10%
It is said that the story of the history of the universe affects only the bright part of matter formed by 10%. Of the other 90% nothing is known, it is thought to be composed of dark matter, dead stars, cosmic debris and other stuff that you do not see. The same could be said
19 Dec 2011
Italian author looks for English publisher
I am Francis. I was born in 1942 in South Italy. At nine I started to work. At sixteen I left South Italy. From sixteen to thirty I worked and studied. At thirty I found my first decent job: I was employed as a guide in a travelling agency in Paris. From then on my
06 Dec 2011
Condoms and bunga bunga
Great Italy! Rarely contradicts itself. During the International day against the Aids, came out with the idea that no one should pronounce the word “preservativo” (condom). Here is a chattering among foreign and not foreign people in the streets of Milan. Tu hablar el mio idioma? Not a bit. What do you want? Io essere