Monthly Archive:: April 2013
28 Apr 2013
Ever since I was a boy, and I can’t say why, I have never felt the need of the supernatural, nor of anything associated with the transcendental. Now, as then, at every moment of my existence, I immerse myself in the infinite wealth of the natural world embracing me, and I embrace it in turn
25 Apr 2013
My Belief (2)
Not my dogmas, my dear Rossi, which I don’t think are dogmas, but my belief. It’s that simple. I have always nurtured my belief with concrete matters. This total and heartfelt embrace with the universe of phenomena has shaped my belief, my vision of things and of the world, and lastly my imperatives and my
23 Apr 2013
My belief, four post, the first (1)
When we want to get the heart of things, my dear Rossi, we realise that all of us, some more, some less, are groping in the depths of darkness. When we think, when we speak of metaphysics, of things which go further than the physical, phenomenal, when we exceed certain limits of our cognitive horizons,