Ours: an enlightened barbaric System and a fiasco civilization – in 3 posts, the third


“Until one single person on the whole Planet is being injustly abused, all the laws and the institutions that constitute it, are not degnified to exist,” Orazio Guglielmini.


If we go to the crux of the matter, and we should, the real authors of the disaster called “nonhuman history”, is not “Hitler”, but the murderers of all times, those who, since the world is world, had never given a little breathing time to this poor Planet of ours that is drowning in the blood of the dead killed. Without these legalized crooks, bandits, pirates, thieves and executioners, “Hitler” and “the Hitlers”, most likely, would have never existed.

The concept is clear. No man is born a Hitler, Hitler one becomes as one would become a chinese, a carpenter or a chef. But why would one become a Hitler? One would become a Hitler thanks to our beastly history, our nonhuman history. Exists a social determinism and practically no one could escape from it. The son of a rich family, just to give an example, and the son of a poor family don’t have the same chances in their lives. We can see it clearly if we visit a jail. In fact, in any country of the world we go, if the watchmen give us the right information about the prisoners, we realize that all them are people coming from the lowest social classes. Hardly we would find a rich person among them.

If we carry on this discussion to the bitter end, to its fatal conclusion, inevitably we realize that every judge judges a victim of the System and that he, the judge, is not there to manage the justice, doesn’t exist, but to keep alive the State, an infamous social machine forged by little creatures to discriminate legally between rich and poor.

This is not to say, of course, that Hitler and all “the Hitlers” of the world should be considered innocents, should be alleviated from their guiltness. Never. Far from it. There are crimes and crimes. What I’m trying to say is that that the true soul of the lagers, the real source of this “constitutionalized barbarism”, is not going to be found in Hitler. Not at all. In fact, we shouldn’t search for the real author of the nazi madness in the German Monster, we should search elsewhere, because the real authors, and not only one, the real authors of these aberrations and monstrosities, are still alive, they don’t die, they are here among ourselves and they are very strong, determined and ready to unleash other lagers, other gulags, other slaughters, other concentration camps, a million times worse than the ones we already know, a million times more destructive and merciless.

Have they a name the authors or the ideologies of these crimes? Of course, they do and everybody knows them ideologically and also by name, but no one can do anything to get rid of these rogues and real social deadly tumours. Their names, however, are the following ones according to their historical evolution: monarchistic capitalism, church or vatican capitalism, bourgeois capitalism, state capitalism, bankers capitalism, democratic capitalism, mafia capitalism, one worse than the other. Capitalism, in any case, is nothing else than a super swindler and sophisticated cultural invention that transformed the law of the jungle in a human law, but much too much worse.

Soft head historians, those who write books on books on books, they say so many things in their works, but, alas, in the end they don’t say anything, surely not everything, surely not the most important and essential things. And why they don’t? It’s due to their ignorance or to their alliance? Or, maybe, they don’t tell the most important things because those who hold the knife by the handle do not allow them to tell all and everything? One thing, however, is without doubt, our history, from the first word to the last, has been written by the winners and it has been written exactly as they wanted it to be written, not one comma more nor one less. Today we live in a world, not governed by human beings and democracy, but by thieves and murderers. This is the result of thousand and thousand of years of machiavellian history.

We know, Hobbes said it: man is a wolf to man, but if it was only that the problem probably wouldn’t have existed at all. The problem is that that man has learned, all along the history, he has learned how to cheat and to exploits his fellow men and he learned to do it in a legal way, in an artistic way, in a tricky way, in a funny way, in a wicked way, circus way, call it as you like, the result is the same: in a monstrous way. Today the killer gentlemen are everywhere in the whole world and no one dare to accuse them of being so, no one screams “The emperor is naked!” In other words, the System, as we called it since the start of these posts, is a legalized criminal System, and this is much too much worse than “man is a wolf to man”.

I don’t agree with those who say that the responsible of our catastrophic history is the whole of mankind. At all. For me the real responsible of our ghastly history is capitalism, that is all those who exploit the body and the soul of the world, all those who are making of our Planet a desert, all those who kill every day, while they are sitting comfortably on their chairs, millions and millions of people letting them to die of starvation, all those who are responsible of all these ships full of desperate human beings that sink between Africa and Lampedusa, all those who never have enough neither of power nor of richness, all those who take 240 thousand euros per year and give honest workers and citizens only what is enough for them to stay alive, all those who do all this and much more in a legal way, in a constitutional way, in a legitimate way, according to democratic principles! In short, all those who do all these monstrosities in their own country and all around the world with the licence to kill given to them by international law courts.

In fact, even the pharaohs, like the monarchs of today, enjoyed of the same tyrannical laws; in fact, even the greek kings, like the presidents of today, enjoyed of the same dirt privileges; in fact, even the caesars, as today’s monetary systems, operated with the same vile rights. Something changed since then? Yes, much too much had changed, but for the worse.

Ours is a civilization which has led humanity into a blind alley, which has castrated every true human feeling, every hope for a better future: what sort of world do we live to our children when we aren’t anymore here?

Ours is a civilization that has destroyed the Earth, a civilization that has no other way to exist besides its own monstrosity, fanatism, dogmas: is there a way to reason with the people who control it?

Ours is a culture elaborated by little men who believe themselves to be the gods of the Planet: exists a cure for them?

Last but not least, ours is a failed civilization, a fiasco civilization, a disastrous civilization: is there some hope left? If so, what should be done in order to avoid its final disaster?

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