Priests are the true atheists

Since the world began

That is, from 4 and a half billion years ago

God never existed and neither did his name

God is a very recent invention

Made by the homo species

Therefore, there are no believers

The saints and the priests

They are actually the true atheists.

We know it, we all know it, even the most ignorant and mentally retarded, we all know, consciously or unconsciously, that God doesn’t exist, that it is a lie as big as the planet Earth. And then, in spite of this, we continue to believe! But why? Here’s the point. And this applies to everyone, but especially to priests. These, the priests, by reading and studying the Holy Scriptures, by saying the names of the saints, by occupying their brains with this theme, by breathing the sick air of the church day after day, by saying and repeating the name of God all the time, at a certain point, inevitably, all that falsehood that they had to put in their heads for years and years and almost learn it by heart, all this fiction, at a certain point, was transformed suddenly into reality, that is, into a true belief. Theirs is not a real belief, it is an immense verbal void.

If you say “cat”, the cat exists, it is there, you see it.

If you say “God”, this doesn’t exist, it is not there, you cannot see it, it is an invention.

There is a void in the priest’s brain that he fills with mental lies and tricks and doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. The biblical imposture has made priests slaves to a false belief, to an invention outside of reality. The leathery brains of the priests believed in an artificial idea for so long that in the end their own brains gave up and believed it, took it to be true. As they say, they took the bait. Priests are licensed atheists, professional atheists, but also mentally sick. One might even say that they are incapable of distinguishing between reality and fiction. In fact, priests are arch atheists and if there is someone among them who believes he truly believes in God and the Holy Scriptures, then he, in reality, is the king of atheists.



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