Ideas Archive
05 Jan 2015
I’m hungry
I’m hungry, hungry to grow, but they don’t let me grow. I’m hungry, hungry to learn, hungry for knowledge, for science, for wisdom, but they instead fill my head at school and anywhere else with bla bla and other mental vulgarities. I’m hungry, hungry for Justice, for real democracy, for reghteousness, for honesty, but in
01 Jan 2014
6 scenarios of the inevitable end of mankind
(I must excuse myself for the mistakes, but I hope that somebody could find equally the post interesting) 1 By human hand 2 By an eruption of a supervolcano 3 BY the impact with a meteorite 4 By the gamma rays from a supernova 5 Swallowed by a black hole
24 Mar 2013
The abc of existence
(or, as an alternative, the reality for what it is, not as you want it to be) You are born and you don’t know why you are born You are here and you don’t know why you are here You grow up and you don’t know why do you grow up You live and
31 Dec 2012
New Year’s dream
And why not? To dream, for example, style Dumas: one for all and all for one! Nice this dream, isn’t it? If only we could realize it! Not a chance, it’s just a dream. The reality is another, the reality is that: At this precise moment, all over the planet, millions of children, adults and
21 Oct 2012
The abc of existence
You are born and you don’t know why you are born You grow up and you don’t know why you grow You live and you don’t know why you live You become conscious, if ever you become conscious, of what you are and what you do Finally you die and you don’t know why you
08 May 2012
If these are human beings
Anyone -black, white, yellow, creole- who believes he is a human being has a duty to denounce injustices, abuses, fraud; to denounce tyrants and especially those who purport to act in the interests of the people but in actual fact exploit the people. You have to fight for your rights with drawn swords, fight for
26 Mar 2012
A writer in search of an editor
On account of its State and Church-sponsored publishing, Italy finds itself in sixty-ninth place out of all the countries in the world with regard to free thought. The writers of this mentally castrated country, who should have been its torch and driving force, and who, with a few exceptions, have contacts in the right places
29 Jan 2012
How to enhance and make the most of life
Thoughts of Orace Guglielmini The brutal question: what do we seek in life? The simple answer: Meaning. Fundamental meaning for all our actions. Without meaning in our lives, we are like a vehicle without fuel. Clear enough? Well then, it is meaning which we seek. How? Where? Briefly, along five paths. On the first
04 Jan 2012
One For All and All For One
This should be the motto of mankind – One for all and all for one -, but is it? No, it isn’t. At this precise moment, all over the planet, millions of children, adults and elderly people are dying of hunger: they are our brothers, they are similar to us and they too, like us,