Religion Archive
07 Oct 2017
The reality of believing is that it is impossible to believe
“Whoever is scared of reality shouldn’t read me. I am reality.” Orazio Guglielmini Six concepts which demonstrate the lack of foundation in matters of religious belief. What are they? The first is “ignorant”, the second is “egoistic”, the third is “prudent (knowing)”, the fourth is “absolute”, the fifth is “the will to believe”
05 Jan 2017
For a phenomenology and an ontology of divine emptiness – 6 post, the second
I admit, talking about religion, I feel like throwing up, but I have no choice and I say no more: who wants to understand understand. Who is God? Nobody. It is pure fiction, metaphysical intuition, a fried empty concept. In other words, simple fried air. Fried air distinguishes itself from natural air. In the
31 Jul 2016
For a phenomenology and an ontology of divine emptiness – 6 post, the first
For “phenomenology” I mean the natural phenomena as they appear in their environment and not as men (Hegel, etc.) see them; for “ontology” I mean the “thing in itself” kantian, that is the concept of man. Starting from these two premises, here are some proofs on the non-existence of God. 1) Nothingness denies
13 Mar 2016
If you’re afraid of truth, please do not read this post. Do you believe in God? If yes, then you’re a nut, an imbecile, an ignorant, eveything except an intelligent human being. Clear? God is equal to ignorance, therefore, God is equal to poverty, poverty is equal to exploitation, exploitation is equal to misery,
16 Jul 2014
Abraham, Isaac, God and the Palestinians and the Israelis
Abraham was ready to sacrifice his only son in order to show his obedience to Jahvè. Therefore, we may say that that the wolf loses his fur but not his habits. What I want to say is: what if the 3 Israeli teenagers had not been killed intentionally by Palestinians nationalists? What if the 3
20 Apr 2014
The resurrection
Today, April 20, 2014, is the celebration of the resurrection of a fictional creature, Jesus Christ, a creature that never existed, nor ever resurrected, he is only a product of our imagination. If humanity needs this fantastic nonsense to give a meaning to life and to survive, then it is already dead. Today I celebrate
20 Mar 2014
Stephen Hawking and the proof that God doesn’t exist
“One can’t prove that God doesn’t exist, but science makes God unnecessary,” says Stephen Hawking in “The Grand Design”. Well, are things really as Hawking sees them? Are we sure? Perhaps, not for me, however. At all. “I’m sorry, Stephen, but I don’t agree with you. I can demonstrate to you and to anyone else
14 Mar 2014
What is Concordat?
Have you ever wondered, Rossi, Guglielmini asks, have you ever wondered what is the Concordat? Doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you. It is the agreement between two powers, institutions, ideologies, i.e. exchange of favours, i.e. “I Church help you State and you State help me Church; i.e. “I Church help you State nazifascist and you State
30 Mar 2013
God: a deadly invention
God is not salvation Religion is not salvation God and religion are not salvation God and religion are slavery Slavery of the mind and slavery of the body God is not love God is not understanding God is misery God is bloodshed God is misery and bloodshed God is not a dream God
01 Feb 2013
Am I a believer, atheist or physicalist?
Firstly, we must ask ourselves, ignoring for a moment the question of believer or atheist, what is physicalism and what does it mean to be a physicalist. It actually means many things, and in my case, at least four. The first instance, and the one which revolutionised my existence, I owe to my Uncle Carlo.
04 Dec 2012
Benedict XVI debuts on Twitter
Great! Pope Ratzigner on Internet! A day to remember! In short, this event is another insult, first to Italy, then to Europe and then to the whole world, and this regardless of the fact that everybody has the right to freedom of speech, and the pope too, of course. It’s unbelievable that today, today in
11 Nov 2012
The most disastrous invention in the world
When mankind will discover that his greatest catastrophe was the invention of God; When he discovers that his deputies, the priests, are his worst enemies; When he discovers that his lack of progress in science and in love is due to “them”, the priests; When he discovers this, if ever he will discover this, then
08 Nov 2012
The Cristocatto Church
It’s a very simple argument really for anyone who wants to understand. It is obvious that if God is dead ( see last Sunday’s blog post: “God is dead”), if God does not exist and has never existed, then God is a lie. Perhaps it didn’t seem to be a lie to our ancestors at
04 Nov 2012
God is dead
Is that what Nietzsche says? Yes, that’s what Nietzsche , the German philosopher, says. In his opinion God is dead, and in your opinion? I see it differently. In what way? To begin with, in order to die you have to be born first, and this functions for God, man and any other species, plant,
03 Nov 2012
Religion, science and the hurricane Sandy
Take, as an example, what is happening these days in America, take hurricane Sandy. To recognize his formation, his destructive violence, fury and try to see and avoid the negative consequences on the population was science, meteorological science. And so, thanks to it, if the dead, instead of being many, possibly millions, are reduced to
23 Feb 2012
Do you have another definition?
What does it mean, exactly, to be a cardinal? Simple, in my opinion. It means to have the licence to tell lies, to cheat people as you wish, to sell opium without going in jail and to eat and live luxuriously without working. Not bad, don’t you think?