The State Archive
09 Nov 2016
Trump and God Save America
I have to be consistent with myself, and with what I write. Here’s what I wrote and published on my blog October 27, 2016 about the American elections: Americans! Soon you have to go to the polls, soon you have to choose between two candidates: one of the two will lead your country
25 Oct 2015
The mega-billionaire Bill Gates is a philanthropist or a shrewd capitalist?
And in any case it’s grotesque, a real mockery, a slap in the face to the human race, and that if we reflect for a moment, and we have too! By what right, “human right!”, whatever it means, by what human right this gentleman, Mr Bill Gates, were it not that the laws, the absurd
02 Mar 2015
Ours: an enlightened barbaric System and a fiasco civilization – in 3 posts, the third
“Until one single person on the whole Planet is being injustly abused, all the laws and the institutions that constitute it, are not degnified to exist,” Orazio Guglielmini. If we go to the crux of the matter, and we should, the real authors of the disaster called “nonhuman history”, is not “Hitler”, but
01 Mar 2015
Ours: an enlightened barbaric System and a fiasco civilization – in 3 posts, the second
Bill Clinton: “We must face and correct, as best as we can, the terrible injustices of the past.” James Leach: “The history is not going to be put on the statute of limitations.” In other words, it doesn’t lapse, never lapse. Both quotations are taken from the book “The Holocaust Industry”, and translated from the
27 Feb 2015
Ours: an enlightened barbaric System and a fiasco civilization – in 3 posts, the first*
“There aren’t men who must be denounced and vanquished, but it’s the System that corrupts them until they became nonhuman,” Raoul Vaneigem. “The ‘System’ mentioned by Raoul Vaneigem, has been created by them, by men, and more exactly by those who became ‘nonhuman’. These men, and not others, are the ones who must be ‘denounced
14 Mar 2014
What is Concordat?
Have you ever wondered, Rossi, Guglielmini asks, have you ever wondered what is the Concordat? Doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you. It is the agreement between two powers, institutions, ideologies, i.e. exchange of favours, i.e. “I Church help you State and you State help me Church; i.e. “I Church help you State nazifascist and you State