Condoms and bunga bunga

Great Italy! Rarely contradicts itself. During the International day against the Aids, came out with the idea that no one should pronounce the word “preservativo” (condom).

Here is a chattering among foreign and not foreign people in the streets of Milan.

Tu hablar el mio idioma?

Not a bit. What do you want?

Io essere invitato to a fiesta. Bunga bunga party, intiendes? This noche yo bunga bunga. Before going to bunga bunga, entonces, must comprare muchos preservativos y non sapere come dire in italian preservativos y adonde acheter preservativos. Tu sabes?

Do you mean schützend, capote anglaise, präservativ, bevarende, I mean condom?

No, yo entiendo preservativos. Io tenere much miedo fuckare, hacer l’amor, sex con una mujer, frau, woman, donna, femme, kvinde en este sitio, bunga bunga sitio, sin preservativo, molto peligroso, forstå?

Pas du tout. Nichts. Don’t understand. Adios, bye.

Entschuldigen, do you tale mis idioma? Parlare español?

Cosa vuoi?

Quiero comprare preservativos, do you know where?

Vuoi dire preservativi, pre-se-rva-ti-vi, condoms?

Claro, preservativos, ya. Adonde?

Lì, in farmacia, puoi comprare tutti i cazzi di capotes anglaises che vuoi.



Que dices?

Vaffanculo! Fuck you!

Lo mismo a ti. The same go you!

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