Horace Guglielmini to his grandson


foto (3)Your great great-grandparents have taught your great-grandparents, my grandson, that in the world where they were born, the golden rule was: EAT OR YOU WILL BE EATEN.

Your great-grandparents have taught your grandparents that in the world where they were born, the golden rule was: EAT OR YOU WILL BE EATEN.

Your grandparents have taught your parents that in the world where they were born, the golden rule was: EAT OR YOU WILL BE EATEN.

I, your grandfather, if your parents haven’t yet taught you the golden rule, I teach you now, my grandson, that in the world where I was born and I am still living, the golden rule is: EAT OR YOU WILL BE EATEN.

That’s how this thing we call world works, in the physical realm, in the animal kingdom and in the human realm, especially in this last one: it is the most cruel and ruthless of all. And its ruthlessness and barbarity, would you believe it or not, they call it humanity!

Well, now you know, my grandson, you know that if you want a good life, an interesting and beautiful life, if it exists, you have to fight for it, it’s the only way.

Go now. They are waiting for you for lunch. I’ll join you later, maybe. I forgot: Happy New Year!


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