The inner structure of the universe


The origin

The heart of matter

The mind

The brain


All what you could know

About the universe

In a few words.

On a chat about the universe, from the moment we begin to speak, we leave behind it, quite probably, another or other universes. This concept, however, wouldn’t concern us so much since one, a hundred or a thousand universes before ours, wouldn’t change much from each other regarding their inner structure: more or less they are all the same.

It’s true, the inner structure of the universe is a real puzzle for all those who would like to know it. But, then, in reality, is it so difficult to understand this macro element? Let’s see.

The numbers were born in Egypt, not with the pharaohs, but with the shepherds. Two sheep in the field, two pebbles in a box; 4 sheep in the field, 4 pebbles in the box, and so on. The day after this counting, when the shepherd returned to the field, he checked if the pebbles he had in the box were the same number as the sheep in the field.

This numerical or mathematical concept has made a long way since its birth. Today it is connected with artificial intelligence, with relativity, robotics, quantum theory, the web, and all these concepts, from the first to the last, belong to the abstract, to the mental, the theoretical and, for what concerns the beginning of the universe and its “inner structure”, are an absolute zero.

I have nothing against artificial intelligence, but it must remain in its place this discipline, because “natural intelligence” comes before “artificial intelligence”. We need, and ours is a desperate need, we need to know what is our meaning in the world, in the universe, in the Great Whole in which we find ourselves. Do we have or we have not a “sense” in all it? Are we or aren’t we born with a sense? If we aren’t born with a sense, then we must build one ourselves. We have to create our own life and our own sense and give them our own meaning, reason, understanding. Then, and only then, we can create all the artificial intelligences we want, because, at this stage, everything we’ll do, have a sense, the sense of Homo-Species.

To conceive the inner and profound nature of the universe, we need a “mental science”, a science that is born from the elements that constitute us and the universe. Only this is and will be able to give us the foundation and true history of the universe.

The concept of the absurd. This, the way we have been indoctrinated and brought up, isn’t very digestible for many of us and, in anycase, whether we like it or not, we wallow in it from birth to death. Even the entire universe, from its first particle to its last, swims in this absurd concept, with the difference that it, the universe, or its brute matter, as far as we understand it, doesn’t know that it’s wallowing in the absurd, we do!

The “mental science” teaches us that our universe was born in nothing, in a vacuum, in an empty and infinite space and by chance and blindly. So, everything that was created in it, wasn’t designed, wasn’t planned, it was arised randomly and surely not in the best gentle way, since all what is born in the universe, sooner or later, perishes in a dramatic and violent way and this even when the dying objects are not being eliminated with violence. Therefore, the concept that most scientifically and philosophically defines the inner matter and behaviour of the phenomena in the Great Whole, is precisely the absurd. We are this and we live in an absurd universe.

Sure, if desired, the unknowable could be another way to define the inner structure of the universe, but not its doings. This is obvious to everyone. In short, a structure, an idea that goes beyond anything imaginable and unimaginable, as we know it, can only be absurd. And, in any case, no argument and no corporeity, no matter how much hard we try to understand these initial happenings of the universe, in the end, we’ll always end up by accepting that the concept of the absurd is the most logical one. Only this dominates over all other concepts.

But then, when we get to the bottom of things, we are, if compare ourselves with the universe, very little creatures. Besides, we are a chaotic product of a blind and meaningless quid. For examples, in terms of size, if we were matched up with the universe, not only our planet, but all our Solar System wouldn’t be even visible with the best of telescope in the world. And not only. We and our planet could disappear from space in a very short time. More. We can die at any moment like nothing. We have no other meaning throughout our existence except the one we give ourselves, and this only as long as we are alive. So, what are we, compared with the universe? A temporary spark and the rest darkness.

In a nutshell. “Abstract concepts” and “mental science,” don’t belong to the operating absurd in the universe. These two concepts are empty concepts and have nothing to do with the inner structure of matter. This is unknowable. But, if you, then, really want to know it and at all costs, here it is: the inner structure of the universe, and let us repeat it forcefully and decisively, is the absurd and it can be seen or imagined in every field and in every way we want. The absurd is the “blind and dominating phenomenon” of the Great Whole.

The copyright of “The inner structure of the universe,” is mine. Thank you, and thank you for reading me.

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