For a phenomenology and an ontology of divine emptiness – 6 post, the first
For “phenomenology” I mean the natural phenomena as they appear in their environment and not as men (Hegel, etc.) see them; for “ontology” I mean the “thing in itself” kantian, that is the concept of man. Starting from these two premises, here are some proofs on the non-existence of God.
1) Nothingness denies God.
2) The elements deny God.
3) The atoms deny God.
4) The big bang denies God.
5) The physical world denies God.
6) The molecules deny God
7) Chemistry denies God.
8) The chaos denies God.
9) The biology denies God.
10) The evolution denies God.
11) The contingent denies God.
12) The species deny God.
13) The stars deny God.
14) The meteorites hitting the Earth deny God.
15) The death of the Sun, then the Earth denies God.
16) The reason denies God.
17) Calderas and volcanoes deny God.
18) The scientific culture denies God.
19) The logical discourse denies God.
20) Common sense denies God.
21) The plurality of gods deny God (between the god of the Christians and the god of the Australian Aborigines there is not, substantively speaking, the slightest difference).
22) The Bible denies God.
23) The story cristocatto denies God.
24) The wickedness of man denies God.
25) Nuclear weapons deny God.
26) The high level of injustice in the political System in which we live denies God.
27) The death of innocents denies God.
28) The absurd things that happen all thoughout the world deny God.
29) The history denies God.
30) The death denies God.
Each of these 30 thesis shows the non-existence of God. God is a product of the human brain: its own invention. This concept then is clear: man created God and not God man. The real God of the Earth, for bad or for good, is Man.
31) Who, then, does not accept the non-existence of God?
32) All those who are terrified of death, all those who prefer the illusion to reality, all those whose greedness for life is stronger than their intellectual clear-sightedness, but above all those who want to manipulate you, take control of your life and your goods for their own use and consumption. But these people are false believers, they support the existence of God for their own unique interest.
Taken from “L’Indifferenza Divina” (The Divine indiffernza)
In the next post, who is God?
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