Who are the real young and who are the real old
It’s true, “the years pass quickly”, but the youth, paradoxically, can remain because it depends, not on the years, but on our brain. Old age, in reality, has nothing to do with age; old age, as we understand it, doesn’t exist. Life, understood in a natural way, is a single cycle, it starts from birth and ends with death. This is not how the mental, cultural, historical and philosophical age works. A 25 year young man and an 80 year old man may be older, culturally speaking, the young man and not the 80 year old man. Old age is not in the body, but in the head. We are culture not flesh. One is born flesh, but becomes culture. Old age weighs itself with intelligence. Be clever and you’ll stay young even when you are 100 years old; be young but an idiot and you are already old!