In summary, the 7 truest and most real stories in the Universe


1) The first story is that of the “Nothingness of Nothingness”. In this story nothing exists, only emptiness all around. It is an infinite view, no object appears or comes between the emptiness and the eye. The Nothingness of Nothingness, or the total and absolute emptiness, dominates everywhere. It is from this emptiness that the First Particle was generated.

2) The second story is, in fact, that of the “First Particle”, the primordial Particle born spontaneously from Nothingness of Nothingness. This has a great historical and evolutionary value: everything was born and developed from it. Matter, starting from the smallest particles, was built from them. Its operation is to always duplicate itself: from one to two, from two to 4, from 4 to 8, from 8 to 16, 32 and so on until the Big Bang. This includes the entire Universe together with the Milky Way and the Solar System.

3)The third story is that of “Time”. The Time that travelled from the first Particle to the Big Bang, for example. Anything that is born or appears, is born and appears in Time. If the Universe has an end, an existential date, these are written in Time. It is thought that one day the Universe will be lost in the great Whole. The galaxies will move away from each other without seeing each other anymore and they will be lost in the infinity of the void and Time.

4) The fourth story starts from when the homo ape becomes Homo Sapiens Sapiens, that is, he becomes aware of his nature and of what surrounds him. Thanks to him, the universe, as far as we know, from the pitch black that it was has transformed into vision, into light, light that shows physical and mental objects.

5) The fifth story we call a “Question Mark”. In fact, history is and will remain a question mark: will the Universe be reborn, will there still be a First Particle, a Big Bang or will everything end with the last galaxy that darkens in the immense void that surrounds it? We have no answer to this question, everyone must give their own.

6) The sixth. The sixth story is that of physicality. The world is physical, it has a unique physicality. The Universe, if we start from the Primordial Particle, and we must, is entirely physical. Everything that developed in it, starting from the First Particle, is only physical including thought and consciousness. There is nothing abstract in the Universe in which we live, every imagined, theoretical, utopian phenomenon is, in reality, concrete. This is what the First Particle teaches us.

7) The seventh story is “Life”. Despite everything that has been said, is said and will be said about it, Life is a phenomenon like all the others, because even birds and rocks will perish as human and non-human sooner or later. Also Life will perish. We are a family of multi-species and phenomena that is born and dies without a but and without a why.

“How do you know all this?” asks one of the audience. “I just say what I know and what I know for me is what was, what is and what will be. For the rest, everyone is free to think what they want.”

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