americans Archive
27 Oct 2016
Soon you have to go to the polls, soon you have to choose between two candidates: one of the two will lead your country for at least four years. Which, then, which of them will you choose? I have some ideas about your choice. But I tell you only this: If you choose Hillary
27 Feb 2015
Ours: an enlightened barbaric System and a fiasco civilization – in 3 posts, the first*
“There aren’t men who must be denounced and vanquished, but it’s the System that corrupts them until they became nonhuman,” Raoul Vaneigem. “The ‘System’ mentioned by Raoul Vaneigem, has been created by them, by men, and more exactly by those who became ‘nonhuman’. These men, and not others, are the ones who must be ‘denounced
16 Jul 2014
Abraham, Isaac, God and the Palestinians and the Israelis
Abraham was ready to sacrifice his only son in order to show his obedience to Jahvè. Therefore, we may say that that the wolf loses his fur but not his habits. What I want to say is: what if the 3 Israeli teenagers had not been killed intentionally by Palestinians nationalists? What if the 3