Australia Archive
09 Jun 2022
How to be cured from religion
I read the Bible, almost from top to bottom, in French, English and Italian. When I read it in English, I was in Australia, in Melbourne, and I remember very well that I found the reading full of things that I didn’t find them mentally digestible, reasonable, human. Anyone who has read this book,
20 Feb 2013
Catastrophism: a new vision of life and the asteroid 2012 DA14
In front of such a perspective/design, what the believer, the agnostic and the atheist have to say? Give your reply, if you would like to, after having read the post, thank you. We should think of our species and many others as being in perpetual danger of extinction. This theory is expounded by Dana Desonie
20 Apr 2012
The Righteous
More than once I turned down the opportunity of fortune or, let’s say, a certain financial security. Here are three examples. The first was with Paris Vision. The owner, Mr. Georges, if I remember his name correctly, offered me a career in the company. With a little determination and my knowledge of languages I knew
13 Apr 2012
The dream
At the beginning of the Seventies, I began to give French and Italian lessons to small groups of students in private schools – International School of Languages, Holmes Language School, Berlitz Language school in Melbourne. I would have liked to have had a deeper, more academic knowledge of these languages but what I did have
13 Mar 2012
The leap
When I was sixteen, resolute in the face of my mother’s objections, I went away, leaving my family, my animals, the place where I was born, and I set off for northern Italy. In Turin I slept in cold, dark, wretched garages, with snow on the roof and water dripping inside. Sometimes I lived
19 Dec 2011
Italian author looks for English publisher
I am Francis. I was born in 1942 in South Italy. At nine I started to work. At sixteen I left South Italy. From sixteen to thirty I worked and studied. At thirty I found my first decent job: I was employed as a guide in a travelling agency in Paris. From then on my