big bang Archive
24 Jul 2024
Virtual Immortality * **
“In scientific progress, imagination is more important than knowledge, real or imagined,” Richard Feynman. If we talk about science in the manner of Copernicus, Newton, Darwin, there is nothing to say, everything is in order. The Sun is at the center of the Solar System; we can experience gravity by jumping from a wall;
13 Dec 2019
Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché2 *
or My Singapore’s speech “For a new vision of the universe and of the meaning of life.” Orazio Guglielmini Part two The history of the universe has many endings – big crunch, big rip, big freeze, big bounce, etc., – but not a single beginning. No one dares to go beyond Max Planck’s
23 Apr 2013
My belief, four post, the first (1)
When we want to get the heart of things, my dear Rossi, we realise that all of us, some more, some less, are groping in the depths of darkness. When we think, when we speak of metaphysics, of things which go further than the physical, phenomenal, when we exceed certain limits of our cognitive horizons,
01 Feb 2013
Am I a believer, atheist or physicalist?
Firstly, we must ask ourselves, ignoring for a moment the question of believer or atheist, what is physicalism and what does it mean to be a physicalist. It actually means many things, and in my case, at least four. The first instance, and the one which revolutionised my existence, I owe to my Uncle Carlo.
13 Mar 2012
The leap
When I was sixteen, resolute in the face of my mother’s objections, I went away, leaving my family, my animals, the place where I was born, and I set off for northern Italy. In Turin I slept in cold, dark, wretched garages, with snow on the roof and water dripping inside. Sometimes I lived
29 Feb 2012
The Two Fundamental Laws of the Universe.
Georges Charpak and Roland Omnès, in their interesting essay, “Be wise, become prophets,” write: “The fundamental laws of the universe are not many. They speak of a container and of a content. One is the container of absolute space-time, governed by the law of relativity; the other is the total content of matter in all
10 Feb 2012
Horace Guglielmini Gives a Cosmic Geography Lesson to Rossi
So we start with a question: “How does the Universe look today? Now, to answer this question, we must start with things that are near to us, and gradually expand our look to the vast and immense spaces of the Universe. To begin with, let’s try if we can see, almost feel, the curvature of
04 Feb 2012
The Big Bang vs Creation
The Big Bang The beginning: nothing, not a noise, not a stirring, not a soul, the universe begins in absolute darkness and silence. I First image: timeless and lifeless, the space does not exist yet, all is dense, tense, then, suddenly, bamm!, the big bang; II Second image: a billionth of a billionth of a
30 Jan 2012
The predator State at a glance
In the past, the Church and the State vied for power, mostly using the sword: sometimes “he” ruled, others “she” ruled, or at times they ruled together. Today, however, both the Church and the State, are reduced to the role of guard dogs of capitalism: the Church deceived the “flock” with false hope and empty
29 Jan 2012
How to enhance and make the most of life
Thoughts of Orace Guglielmini The brutal question: what do we seek in life? The simple answer: Meaning. Fundamental meaning for all our actions. Without meaning in our lives, we are like a vehicle without fuel. Clear enough? Well then, it is meaning which we seek. How? Where? Briefly, along five paths. On the first