Charles Darwin Archive
05 May 2015
Charlotte Elizabeth Diana and the “Royal blood”
(I’m sorry if the translation is not perfect, I only hope it is understandable, thank you) Not yet born and is a star already. Just born, a super star. She will become, when she’s an adult, a goddess and as such will admire the destruction of countries like Iraq from those who have always beaten
05 Sep 2014
Our sick rotten social world
The social insanity and madness is everywhere in the world. We find it in Iran, we find it between Gaza and Israel, we find it in the pope going around the world preaching his mental insanity and madness, we find it in all those who preach the holy war (jihad), we find it in
17 Nov 2012
In praise of matter
In the end it’s all a question of matter, in the end it’s a game between enlightened brains and primitive brains; in the end everything is relative, a see-saw between these two extremes: enlightened brains and primitive brains. The rest exists, but it’s as though it didn’t exist. Or rather, it exists as a kind