concentration camps Archive
27 Feb 2015
Ours: an enlightened barbaric System and a fiasco civilization – in 3 posts, the first*
“There aren’t men who must be denounced and vanquished, but it’s the System that corrupts them until they became nonhuman,” Raoul Vaneigem. “The ‘System’ mentioned by Raoul Vaneigem, has been created by them, by men, and more exactly by those who became ‘nonhuman’. These men, and not others, are the ones who must be ‘denounced
19 Oct 2014
The Art of Dying – Post 1
Introductory Salutation These posts on the “art of dying”, (and let’s make it clear from the start that there can’t be an art of dying if there isn’t an art of living, and vice versa), are designed to supply what our schools are incapable of giving us: namely an education which is both illuminating and
06 Jan 2013
An author in search of a Publisher
I am italian. Mine is a literature born from experience, no less than that of Primo Levi, born in the concentration camps; no less than that of Henri Charrière, born in the Lager of the French Guiana; no less than that of Gavino Ledda, born in a tragic poverty and under the brutal bestiality of