Denmark Archive
15 Oct 2015
This is not my Denmark
My Denmark is the Denmark I new as a student, a teacher; my Denmark is the Danmark of love, of the language, of culture, landscape, people, the people I knew when I was there, wonderful beautiful people, this is my Denmark that still today I carry warmly in my heart and clearly in my mind,
13 Apr 2012
The dream
At the beginning of the Seventies, I began to give French and Italian lessons to small groups of students in private schools – International School of Languages, Holmes Language School, Berlitz Language school in Melbourne. I would have liked to have had a deeper, more academic knowledge of these languages but what I did have
13 Mar 2012
The leap
When I was sixteen, resolute in the face of my mother’s objections, I went away, leaving my family, my animals, the place where I was born, and I set off for northern Italy. In Turin I slept in cold, dark, wretched garages, with snow on the roof and water dripping inside. Sometimes I lived