Einstein Archive
01 Oct 2022
Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of Papier-mâché (5) (6) (7) (8)
5 The existence of a phenomenon, be it small or big, is relative to its physical composition. There are phenomena whose existence lasts a moment – a neutron and an antineutron that collide at birth, for example – and others that last billions of years. Their atomic composition and structure decide the duration of
16 Sep 2022
Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of Papier-mâché * (1) (2) (3) (4)

Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of Papier-mâché * 1 Sometimes I would have liked to be lazy and spend the rest of my days peacefully and in anonymity. Instead it’s impossible. In this last time I also have nightmares. I see myself sucked into a cosmic crater, in one of those craters
30 Apr 2022
I, Francis Sgambelluri, declare myself to be the DISCOVERER of the true beginning of the Universe
“Einstein published, in 1905, his famous articles in the scientific journal ‘Annalen der Physik’ , where only a few scientists and with difficulties could understand something; I publish my articles on the Web, on Facebook, on Twitter and anyone, given their scientific simplicity and reality, can read and understand them in the whole world”.
17 Apr 2022
I invited to the UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ?
Mr. Priestly Williams writes on Facebook after reading my “The cosmic foundations and the discovery that God is = to Nothingness of Nothingness” and some other titles of my books that I have published:“The Trilogy”, namely “Flash about man and the universe”, “From nothingness of nothingness to virtual immortality”, and “Son of the elements
28 Mar 2022
The cosmic foundations and the discovery that God is = Nothingness of Nothingness
“Einstein published, in 1905, his famous articles in the scientific journal ‘Annalen der Physik’ , where only a few scientists and with difficulties could understand something; I publish my articles on the Web, on Facebook, on Twitter and anyone, given their scientific simplicity and reality, can read and understand them in the whole
05 Nov 2021
The Universe as it is in 12 images
Einstein published, in 1905, his famous articles in the scientific journal “Annalen der Physik” where only a few scientists and with difficulties could understand something; I publish my articles on the Web, on Facebook, on Twitter and anyone, given their scientific simplicity and reality, can read and understand them in the whole world. The
29 Sep 2021
The existence of the “Universe” and “Life”
Einstein published, in 1905, his famous articles in the scientific journal “Annalen der Physik” where only a few scientists and with difficulties could understand something; I publish my articles on the Web, on Facebook, on Twitter and anyone, given their scientific simplicity and reality, can read and understand them in the whole world.
17 Jul 2021
The World-Universe * in a few clear and meaningful words
Einstein published, in 1905, his famous articles in the scientific journal “Annalen der Physik” where only a few scientists and with many difficulties could understand something; I publish my articles on my blog, on Facebook, on Twitter and anyone, given their reality, simplicity and meaning, can read and understand them in the whole world.
20 Feb 2021
To the lords of the Nobel Committee of Stockholm
Einstein published, in 1905, his famous articles in the scientific journal “Annalen der Physik” where only a few scientists and with difficulties could understand something; I publish my articles on the Web, on Facebook, on Twitter and anyone, given their simplicity and reality, can read and understand them in the whole world. You
20 Dec 2019
Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché 3*
or My Singapore’s speech “The nature of the universe is not difficult to understand and to explain. It’s us, with our ignorance and arrogance, that makes it difficult to understand and to explain. We do even our best, one way or another, to make it hard and incomprehensible”. Orazio Guglielmini By the way,
13 Dec 2019
Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché2 *
or My Singapore’s speech “For a new vision of the universe and of the meaning of life.” Orazio Guglielmini Part two The history of the universe has many endings – big crunch, big rip, big freeze, big bounce, etc., – but not a single beginning. No one dares to go beyond Max Planck’s
05 Dec 2019
Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché *
Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché * or My Singapore’s speech “For a new vision of the universe and of the meaning of life.” Orazio Guglielmini Good morning! I suppose you all know my name, the International Meetings published it in a leaflet. However, my name is Francis Sgambelluri, a
18 Apr 2017
“If”, “When” and “How” we’ll cease to exist
The “if”: “We will cease really to exist?” The “when”: “When we’ll cease to exist?” The “how”: “How do we to cease to exist: burned, frozen, in a cosmic cataclysm, self-destroyed, how? “ Let’s start with the first, the “if”, and let’s eliminate it immediately from our mind. The if it’s rhetorical. There are
23 Apr 2013
My belief, four post, the first (1)
When we want to get the heart of things, my dear Rossi, we realise that all of us, some more, some less, are groping in the depths of darkness. When we think, when we speak of metaphysics, of things which go further than the physical, phenomenal, when we exceed certain limits of our cognitive horizons,
10 Mar 2013
The unnameable or a vision of the world without observers.
In other words, what would the universe be like if there were no human beings? It would not have a name, no attributes; it would not make any sense. It would be as it is. What does that mean? It means just that, nameless. All the mountains, plains, animals, plants, seas, planets, stars, galaxies, empty