God Archive
09 Jun 2022
How to be cured from religion
I read the Bible, almost from top to bottom, in French, English and Italian. When I read it in English, I was in Australia, in Melbourne, and I remember very well that I found the reading full of things that I didn’t find them mentally digestible, reasonable, human. Anyone who has read this book,
19 Oct 2020
To die as a Christian is to die against nature *
If the Christian religion were true, I would be the first to embrace it. It is not. It is false. It is unnatural and anti-human. God doesn’t exist, and all believers and non-believers know it. Christ is fiction, like Don Quixote and Madame Bovary. The Madonna is a ridiculous invention.
16 Jul 2014
Abraham, Isaac, God and the Palestinians and the Israelis
Abraham was ready to sacrifice his only son in order to show his obedience to Jahvè. Therefore, we may say that that the wolf loses his fur but not his habits. What I want to say is: what if the 3 Israeli teenagers had not been killed intentionally by Palestinians nationalists? What if the 3
20 Mar 2014
Stephen Hawking and the proof that God doesn’t exist
“One can’t prove that God doesn’t exist, but science makes God unnecessary,” says Stephen Hawking in “The Grand Design”. Well, are things really as Hawking sees them? Are we sure? Perhaps, not for me, however. At all. “I’m sorry, Stephen, but I don’t agree with you. I can demonstrate to you and to anyone else
14 Mar 2014
What is Concordat?
Have you ever wondered, Rossi, Guglielmini asks, have you ever wondered what is the Concordat? Doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you. It is the agreement between two powers, institutions, ideologies, i.e. exchange of favours, i.e. “I Church help you State and you State help me Church; i.e. “I Church help you State nazifascist and you State
04 Mar 2014
Pope Francis’ peace doves
One of the dove of peace launched by Papa Francesco from his window of the Vatican was immediately attacked first by a Raven and then mauled by a Seagull. Horrible image. No chance for the bird (see the video on the Web). All this cruel show in front of the eyes of the Pope and
01 Feb 2013
Am I a believer, atheist or physicalist?
Firstly, we must ask ourselves, ignoring for a moment the question of believer or atheist, what is physicalism and what does it mean to be a physicalist. It actually means many things, and in my case, at least four. The first instance, and the one which revolutionised my existence, I owe to my Uncle Carlo.
17 Nov 2012
In praise of matter
In the end it’s all a question of matter, in the end it’s a game between enlightened brains and primitive brains; in the end everything is relative, a see-saw between these two extremes: enlightened brains and primitive brains. The rest exists, but it’s as though it didn’t exist. Or rather, it exists as a kind
11 Nov 2012
The most disastrous invention in the world
When mankind will discover that his greatest catastrophe was the invention of God; When he discovers that his deputies, the priests, are his worst enemies; When he discovers that his lack of progress in science and in love is due to “them”, the priests; When he discovers this, if ever he will discover this, then
08 Nov 2012
The Cristocatto Church
It’s a very simple argument really for anyone who wants to understand. It is obvious that if God is dead ( see last Sunday’s blog post: “God is dead”), if God does not exist and has never existed, then God is a lie. Perhaps it didn’t seem to be a lie to our ancestors at
04 Feb 2012
The Big Bang vs Creation
The Big Bang The beginning: nothing, not a noise, not a stirring, not a soul, the universe begins in absolute darkness and silence. I First image: timeless and lifeless, the space does not exist yet, all is dense, tense, then, suddenly, bamm!, the big bang; II Second image: a billionth of a billionth of a
30 Jan 2012
Has Life Meaning at a glance
How many of our ancestors through the centuries, have asked this question? Surely not many. Until recently, one lived the life they lived, good or bad, one just just lived. Today views have changed. The values of the past – the belief of design, in destiny, in the homeland, the monarchy, rulers, the family, ideologies
23 Jan 2012
The Manifesto of Horace Guglielmini
The manifesto of Orazio Guglielmini can easily be deduced from Guglielmini’s “Testament”, thus very briefly: As long as there exists even one politician or one priest on earth, mankind will not find peace. The political-existential testament of Guglielmini is sealed in four books: “The Divine Indifference” “The Predator State” “Has Life Meaning?” “The Wonderland” The