homo sapiens Archive
13 Dec 2019
Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché2 *
or My Singapore’s speech “For a new vision of the universe and of the meaning of life.” Orazio Guglielmini Part two The history of the universe has many endings – big crunch, big rip, big freeze, big bounce, etc., – but not a single beginning. No one dares to go beyond Max Planck’s
06 Apr 2019
Love is a totally feminine product
– So many stories! – What are you talking about? – Read it and you’ll see. The innate is a construct This article is not an article against men, as it may appear from its title, it is an article which has to do with our history, our biology, our chemistry, atomicity,
10 Mar 2013
The unnameable or a vision of the world without observers.
In other words, what would the universe be like if there were no human beings? It would not have a name, no attributes; it would not make any sense. It would be as it is. What does that mean? It means just that, nameless. All the mountains, plains, animals, plants, seas, planets, stars, galaxies, empty
04 Feb 2012
The Big Bang vs Creation
The Big Bang The beginning: nothing, not a noise, not a stirring, not a soul, the universe begins in absolute darkness and silence. I First image: timeless and lifeless, the space does not exist yet, all is dense, tense, then, suddenly, bamm!, the big bang; II Second image: a billionth of a billionth of a
30 Jan 2012
Has Life Meaning at a glance
How many of our ancestors through the centuries, have asked this question? Surely not many. Until recently, one lived the life they lived, good or bad, one just just lived. Today views have changed. The values of the past – the belief of design, in destiny, in the homeland, the monarchy, rulers, the family, ideologies
04 Jan 2012
One For All and All For One
This should be the motto of mankind – One for all and all for one -, but is it? No, it isn’t. At this precise moment, all over the planet, millions of children, adults and elderly people are dying of hunger: they are our brothers, they are similar to us and they too, like us,