Orazio Guglielmini Archive
20 Dec 2019
Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché 3*
or My Singapore’s speech “The nature of the universe is not difficult to understand and to explain. It’s us, with our ignorance and arrogance, that makes it difficult to understand and to explain. We do even our best, one way or another, to make it hard and incomprehensible”. Orazio Guglielmini By the way,
07 Oct 2017
The reality of believing is that it is impossible to believe
“Whoever is scared of reality shouldn’t read me. I am reality.” Orazio Guglielmini Six concepts which demonstrate the lack of foundation in matters of religious belief. What are they? The first is “ignorant”, the second is “egoistic”, the third is “prudent (knowing)”, the fourth is “absolute”, the fifth is “the will to believe”
05 Jan 2017
For a phenomenology and an ontology of divine emptiness – 6 post, the second
I admit, talking about religion, I feel like throwing up, but I have no choice and I say no more: who wants to understand understand. Who is God? Nobody. It is pure fiction, metaphysical intuition, a fried empty concept. In other words, simple fried air. Fried air distinguishes itself from natural air. In the
31 Jul 2016
For a phenomenology and an ontology of divine emptiness – 6 post, the first
For “phenomenology” I mean the natural phenomena as they appear in their environment and not as men (Hegel, etc.) see them; for “ontology” I mean the “thing in itself” kantian, that is the concept of man. Starting from these two premises, here are some proofs on the non-existence of God. 1) Nothingness denies
30 Jun 2016
Destiny can wait
You get up one morning and you realize that your feelings are not the same as they were the morning before. Well, nothing wrong with it. Feelings change, are never the same. Yes, but aren’t exactly the same old feelings, this time. This time your feelings have nothing to do with the usual way you
02 Jun 2016
The Inexistence of God: a Deception of Humanity Which Has Lasted Thousands of Years – 4 posts, the fourth*
“In principle, God didn’t create either the heavens or the earth, but it was the Elohim, or those of them who made cultivatable fields from areas where there was water and sand,” Mauro Biglino Keeping in mind how evil and inhumane Yahweh was, in the second part of his DVD, “L’invenzione di Dio” (The Invention
28 May 2016
The Inexistence of God: a Deception of Humanity Which Has Lasted Thousands of Years – 4 posts, the third
“In principle, God didn’t create either the heavens or the earth, but it was the Elohim, or those of them who made cultivatable fields from areas where there was water and sand,” Mauro Biglino After having passed over the six, six, six, six million Jews who starved or met other deaths in various countries, after
26 May 2016
The inexistence of God: a deception of humanity which lasted thousands of years – 4 posts, the second
In principle, God didn’t create either the heavens or the earth, but it was the Elohim, or those of them who made cultivatable fields from areas where there was water and sand, Mauro Biglino Mauro Biglino says: “I don’t speak about God because the Bible doesn’t speak about God. In Hebrew, there isn’t
02 Mar 2015
Ours: an enlightened barbaric System and a fiasco civilization – in 3 posts, the third
“Until one single person on the whole Planet is being injustly abused, all the laws and the institutions that constitute it, are not degnified to exist,” Orazio Guglielmini. If we go to the crux of the matter, and we should, the real authors of the disaster called “nonhuman history”, is not “Hitler”, but
27 Feb 2015
Ours: an enlightened barbaric System and a fiasco civilization – in 3 posts, the first*
“There aren’t men who must be denounced and vanquished, but it’s the System that corrupts them until they became nonhuman,” Raoul Vaneigem. “The ‘System’ mentioned by Raoul Vaneigem, has been created by them, by men, and more exactly by those who became ‘nonhuman’. These men, and not others, are the ones who must be ‘denounced