scientists Archive
28 May 2016
The Inexistence of God: a Deception of Humanity Which Has Lasted Thousands of Years – 4 posts, the third
“In principle, God didn’t create either the heavens or the earth, but it was the Elohim, or those of them who made cultivatable fields from areas where there was water and sand,” Mauro Biglino After having passed over the six, six, six, six million Jews who starved or met other deaths in various countries, after
23 Apr 2013
My belief, four post, the first (1)
When we want to get the heart of things, my dear Rossi, we realise that all of us, some more, some less, are groping in the depths of darkness. When we think, when we speak of metaphysics, of things which go further than the physical, phenomenal, when we exceed certain limits of our cognitive horizons,
29 Feb 2012
The Two Fundamental Laws of the Universe.
Georges Charpak and Roland Omnès, in their interesting essay, “Be wise, become prophets,” write: “The fundamental laws of the universe are not many. They speak of a container and of a content. One is the container of absolute space-time, governed by the law of relativity; the other is the total content of matter in all