State Archive
14 Mar 2014
What is Concordat?
Have you ever wondered, Rossi, Guglielmini asks, have you ever wondered what is the Concordat? Doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you. It is the agreement between two powers, institutions, ideologies, i.e. exchange of favours, i.e. “I Church help you State and you State help me Church; i.e. “I Church help you State nazifascist and you State
01 Dec 2012
Who are the real prostitutes?
First it should be pointed out that there are many types of prostitution, perhaps as many as there are men and women on Earth. Prostitution is a human phenomenon: animals don’t prostitute themselves, but human beings do. Throughout our history we have done nothing but construct a culture of prostitution for ourselves. Our social equilibrium
26 Mar 2012
A writer in search of an editor
On account of its State and Church-sponsored publishing, Italy finds itself in sixty-ninth place out of all the countries in the world with regard to free thought. The writers of this mentally castrated country, who should have been its torch and driving force, and who, with a few exceptions, have contacts in the right places