supernova Archive
13 Dec 2019
Einstein, a pillar of modern physics made of papier mâché2 *
or My Singapore’s speech “For a new vision of the universe and of the meaning of life.” Orazio Guglielmini Part two The history of the universe has many endings – big crunch, big rip, big freeze, big bounce, etc., – but not a single beginning. No one dares to go beyond Max Planck’s
28 Apr 2013
Ever since I was a boy, and I can’t say why, I have never felt the need of the supernatural, nor of anything associated with the transcendental. Now, as then, at every moment of my existence, I immerse myself in the infinite wealth of the natural world embracing me, and I embrace it in turn
04 Feb 2012
The Big Bang vs Creation
The Big Bang The beginning: nothing, not a noise, not a stirring, not a soul, the universe begins in absolute darkness and silence. I First image: timeless and lifeless, the space does not exist yet, all is dense, tense, then, suddenly, bamm!, the big bang; II Second image: a billionth of a billionth of a