The heart of nothingness *


“In scientific progress, imagination is more important than knowledge, true or presumed,”Richard Feynman.


If we talk about science like in Copernicus, in Newton and in Darwin style, there’s nothing to say. It’s all in order: it’s all science, real science. The Sun is at the center of the Solar System; we can experience gravity by jumping from a wall; and no one can deny that we are none other than the 194th ape in Darwinian evolution. 

For what concerns mathematics, quantum, strings, it is obvious that here we are not talking about real science like the one of Copernicus, Newton and Darwin, but we are talking about a way of organizing abstract concepts that resemble to science, but in reality they are not science if by science we intend real natural phenomena.

In genetic mutation we are, as we just said, the 194th naked ape according to Desmond Morris. Do mathematics, quantum physics and strings also have genetic mutations and natural selection? What is natural and what is artificial? For me mathematics, quantum, strings, it’s all artificial stuff; Copernicus’ heliocentrism, Newton’s gravity and Darwin’s evolution it’s all natural.

Literature, theatre and philosophy have explained that the world in which we live is an objectification of the absurd, and so it is.

Socially speaking, and this concept is clear even to lizards, ours is a world of legalized gangsters. Call them what you want: kings, popes, politicians, capitalists, nothing changes: gangsters. The first man who appeared on Earth was a gangster.

What we have just said till now  , in a brief and easy way, should be enough to make us understand the world we live in.

Now let’s talk about the Universe that tells us how things are. In other words, do we have to adapt ourselves to a Universe for what it isn’t or for a Universe as it is? I would say for a Universe as it is, and this is precisely what I’m going to talk about in what follows.  

We’ll start from the beginning, from the nothingness of nothingness, that is from zero matter and from an infinite void. Here, in this never ending vacuum, starts the beginning of our Universe and, of course, also of our story. Then comes the first particle, the first spark, the first matter; then, from the physical mass that was gradually created between the first particle and the future Big Bang, which lasted billions and billions of years before being ready to explosion, here comes the real moment of the colossal Big Bang, Big Blast and from this happening up to the Earth, to the species, to us.

The Universe we live in today is no longer expanding. It looks as if it is expanding, but in reality it doesn’t. The stars are fading away and the galaxies are disappearing into the great void at the edge of the Universe. Phenomena and gravity are constantly reduced, they become with time non-existent and we are again, theoretically speaking, approaching the time of nothingness of nothingness.

What about us? We are born from nothingness of nothingness and when we die we’ll return to nothingness. Everything that exists in the entire Universe, comes from nothingness and returns to nothingness. Does nothingness make sense? It depends how do we see it. If we see it in human terms no, if we see it in natural terms yes.

I, personally, I don’t have a sense, a meaning in this World-Universe, I only have the meaning that I alone can give to my life day after day and nothing else. Philosophers of all times have only chatted about this concept. And anyway, what other meaning could I have if I am born from nothingness? None. Nonsense dominates the entire World-Universe. Only we, till we live, can give a sense to the Universe and to ourselves.

Sure, if there are other species in the Universe – extraterrestrials, alien, etc. -, and I’m sure there are, they too can give a meaning to themselves and to their Planet and the Universe. Without homo-species or alien, the Universe is only a mass of phenomena without a meaning and without a name.

This is the Universe in which we live. There is not another. What does it mean? It means that we live on a rock called planet Earth and this, the planet Earth, in turn, is at the mercy of the Solar System and to all the other phenomena that blindly move in the Cosmos.

Between the nothingness of nothingness and the Universe in which we find ourselves, there is no difference, and since in the end everything returns to nothingness of nothingness, therefore we are, in such a phenomenon, nothing more and nothing less than dust in the  


*This article, written in a very simple and synthetic way, is dedicated to all those who want to know the reality of our World and of our Universe as they are.

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